The Secret Life of the Love Song and The Flesh Made Word: Two Lectures by Nick Cave

Nick Cave

0 pages, Audio CD

ISBN: 1841660388


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 2000


The Secret Life of the Love Song is Nick Cave’s highly original take on his personal artistic muse, and on the genre as a whole. Originally conceived for the Vienna Poetry Festival (1998) and performed to great success and a capacity audience at The Royal Festival Hall, London earlier in 1999, this is a special studio recording. It includes five new and unique recordings of his songs ‘West Country Girl’, ‘People Ain’t no Good’, ‘Sad Waters’, ‘Love Letter’, and ‘Far From Me’. The Word Made Flesh is a wholly spoken-word piece, re-recorded, originally conceived and executed for the BBC Religious Services Department in 1996.

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