The Tuff Chix Guide to Easy Home Improvement

Paige Hemmis

320 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0452287618


Language: English

Publish: 1164700800000

A fun and helpful guide for aspiring handywomen For every woman who wants to take home repair matters into her own hands, The Tuff Chix Guide to Easy Home Improvement is here to help. Paige Hemmis shares the tricks of her trade in this how-to book written especially for aspiring handywomen. Avoiding the dull, dry tone of typical instruction manuals, Hemmis provides accessible and easy-to-follow instructions on every aspect of home repair, complete with illustrations and helpful “Tuff Tips.” Learn how to: * Fix cracks of every kind * Fix sticky doors * Repair windows of all sizes * Fix malfunctioning toilets * Hang curtain rods Whether you�re fixing a deadbolt, replacing wall switches, or unplugging the kitchen sink, The Tuff Chix Guide to Easy Home Improvement is the one book you need to get the job done. From the Introduction: “Whenever I started a project, I wanted to know how hard it would be for a novice like me, what tools I would need, how much I had to buy from the hardware store, how long it would take and, finally, how much it would be to just hire someone else to do it. So… I�m passing this along to you… This book is designed for anyone who wants to improve his or her surroundings in ways small and large. It�s everything I wish I�d had when I started… You don�t have to read this book from cover to cover. Use it as your road map. This book is designed to make your life easier, save you a little money, and give you the tools you need to take care of yourself.”

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