The Winter Queen

Devin Cary

282 pages, Mass Market Paperback

ISBN: 0441006817


Language: English

Publish: 944035200000


The King Is Dead

The northern kingdom of Albor is in mourning. The realm’s benevolent ruler has falen victim to a fatal accident. Under his reign, Albor has known peace and prosperity, and all the denizens fear that this time has come to an end. The king’s son is too young to assume the thron, and a regent must be chosen to rule until the prince comes of age. With his dying breath, the king chooses his wife–Queen Elissa.

Long Live the Queen

Elissa isn’t prepared to become a regent, but she must if her children–the prince and princess–are to survive the machinations of the kingdom’s lords and nobles. They will never accept a woman on the throne and will do anything to usurp her power. But the aristocracy of Albor is unaware of just how much power Elissa possesses. Descended from a family of mages, she secretly practices her skills in sorcery.

But she can’t completely control them…

Also published under the name: Cary G. Osborne

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