Thinking in Writing: Rhetorical Patterns and Critical Response

Donald McQuade

584 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0070459835


Language: English

Publish: November 1, 1997

This respected, rhetorically-arranged reader shows students, through accessible language and remarkable literary examples, how underlying rhetorical structures stimulate and direct all clear thinking and effective writing. And while THINKING IN WRITING covers traditional rhetorical principles, it also reflects the contemporary and practical work being done on the interconnectedness of composition and cognition. The introductory chapter and the apparatus for each essay is designed to help students generate ideas and turn them into effective papers. The fourth edition provides an extraordinary update with over 70% new readings, new “thematically-paired” essays in each chapter, a new photo insert that shows the role of rhetoric and the construction of gender in rhetoric in advertising, and much much more.

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