Waking the Global Heart

Anodea Judith

400 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0972002898


Language: English

Publish: January 1, 2010


Will we survive into the next age? If so, what will it look like and what will it take for us to get there?

For the first time since the planet cooled 5 billion years ago, humanity is capable of influencing-for better or worse-the trajectory of evolution. This requires a tremendous responsibility and maturity of the heart. Only through a rite of passage will humanity shift from the love of power to the power of love. No mere sentimentality, this initiation is an urgent and wrenching shift that will uproot and transform every aspect of human civilization.

This paradigm saves energy, reduces disease, is ecologically sustainable, and spiritually uplifting. It focuses on networks rather than markets, favors cooperation over competition, sustainability over exploitation, co-creation of our future over procreation.

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