What’s Gone Wrong With the Harvest?: A Communication Strategy for the Church and World Evangelism

James F. Engel

171 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0310241618


Language: English

Publish: June 24, 1975


In this book the authors present a situation that, though hypothetical, is frighteningly true to the life of the church in many localities. There is little or no harvest because the harvest equipment of the church has lost its cutting blades. There is all too often more concern with programs than communication, and in this, at least in part, lies the secret of WHAT’S GONE WRONG WITH THE HARVEST.Engel and Norton advocate a communications strategy that is clearly thought out and vigorously followed, since one of the primary tasks of the church is communication. Essential to good communication is a knowledge and understanding of the audience, an adaptation of the message, a measuring of effectiveness, and analysis of the results. Suggestions are made for a more effective approach in communications in the various media, such as radio, television, literature, and preaching. The message of this book is strongly positive. Leaders in the church will do well to read it for more productive communication and a fuller, more joyful harvest.

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