Why? the Deeper History Behind the September 11th Terrorist Attack on America

J.W. Smith

228 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0975355570


Language: English

Publish: May 30, 2005

Terrorism – Peace – Political Freedom & Security – International Security – Political Science-Political Ideologies – Fascism & Totalitarianism Permanent global peace and sustainable development. The 1,300 year battle between Christians and Muslims The CIA establishes the greatest propaganda machine in history. Inequality structured in law. Equal rights to land, technology, money and communications. Destabilizing emerging democracies worldwide. Containing and destabilizing the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Now it was Yugoslavia’s turn to be destabilized. Give full rights to all people and terrorism disappears. A practical approach for sustainable development of poor nations and regions. The evolution from plunder by raids to plunder by trade began 800 to 1,000 years ago in the Free Cities of Europe. As those cities evolved into nations and those nations into empires, plunder by trade was plunder by both raids and trade was practiced. Plunder by trade has been the dominant feature of world trade since WWII. But the developing world is now aware and that structure of world trade may soon be history.

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