Wittgenstein at Work: Method in the Philosophical Investigations

Erich Ammereller

296 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 0415316057


Language: English

Publish: May 27, 2004

The later Wittgenstein is notoriously hard to understand. His novel philosophical approach is the key to understanding his perplexing work. This volume assembles leading Wittgenstein scholars to come to grips with its least well understood the unfamiliar aims and method that shape Wittgenstein’s approach.

Wittgenstein at Work investigates Wittgenstein’s aims, rationale and method in two steps. The first seven chapters analyze how he proceeds in core parts of the Philosophical Investigations : the discussion of the Augustinian picture of language, ostensive definition, philosophical method, understanding, rule-following, and private language. The final five chapters examine his most striking methodological his repudiation of theory and non-trivial theses, and some core notions of his his notions of clarification, synoptic representation, nonsense, and philosophical pictures. The volume considerably advances discussion of the therapeutic aspects of his approach that are currently a focus of debate.

This volume is an indispensable methodological companion to the Philosophical Investigations , useful to both specialists and students alike.

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