World Trivia: The Book of Fascinating Facts : Culture, Politics and Geography

Michael Smith

268 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 0966943724


Language: English

Publish: October 29, 2002

World Trivia is the 2004 Dr. Toy’s Best Children’s Vacation Products Award Winner sponsored by the Institute for Childhood Resources. It reveals many amazing and amusing facts of culture, politics and geography around the world. Distinctly different from most trivia books, it illustrates a broad range of cultures and political realities with enhanced geographic and map information. The book is designed to enrich one’s knowledge of the world and its people.

Librarian Sample questions include: What is the only Asian country never to have been occupied by a foreign power? In which country do women sometimes have more than one husband (not the other way around)? In which country is collecting mushrooms a major national hobby?

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